Climbers are an opinionated bunch. From campfire conversations to online forums, the debates are nearly endless: the best rock type, favorite regions, and weedsy ethics. But while some of those debates are, like, just your opinion, others have big impacts on climbing access, conservation, and our community.

Access Fund recently asked climbers to weigh in on some of the hottest topics in climbing to make sure we represent and serve the climbing community effectively. Thousands of you weighed in, and the survey is still open. Agree with your fellow climbers? Disagree? Let us know what you think by taking the survey yourself!

How do you feel about dogs at the crag?

What about music at the crag?

Stashing gear like crash pads, fixed lines, tools, and other stuff: okay or not?

When should a route name be changed?

If a route was established in a dangerous style, should it stay dangerous?

How do you feel about having to get a permit and/or make a reservation to go climbing?

Should climbers speak up when they see others disregarding Leave No Trace practices?

Agree? Disagree? Let us know!

Answer these questions and more for a chance to win a Black Diamond rope and cams. Plus, sound off on what grinds your gears at the crag.