Board of Directors
The Access Fund Board of Directors establishes organizational policy and ensures that our mission and vision are fulfilled.
Our board is composed of volunteers (plus honorary members) who represent all viewpoints of the climbing community and who are committed to defending climbing freedoms, preserving climbing access, and protecting the climbing environment. Board members serve on various committees, including Steering, Governance, Public Policy, Legal, Finance and Nominating.
The full board meets twice a year in the Spring and Fall. Board Members serve for 3 years, and elections are held each year in the Fall.
To recommend persons for nomination to the Access Fund board, please contact the Access Fund at 303-545-6772 or at
Shelma Jun (New York)
Vice President
Kishen Mangat (Colorado)
Julie Reed (Tennessee)
Dory Trimble (Utah)
Board Directors
Tom Adams (Utah)
Justin Brown (Virginia)
John Connor (Oregon)
Sasha DiGiulian (Colorado)
Josh Friedman (Oregon)
Hilary Harris (Colorado)
Alexis Krauss (New York)
Bethany Lebewitz (Colorado)
Carolyn Pino (Colorado)
Rob Price (Washington)