Upper Saco Valley Land Trust (USVLT) now owns one of the key parcels of private land between Cathedral Ledge and Whitehorse Ledge in Bartlett, NH. Access Fund holds a permanent conservation and recreation easement to fortify USVLT’s conservation of the area and provide critical support for any unexpected stewardship needs.


Despite being open for public access and hosting segments of the popular Bryce Path and Bryce Link trail, the Ansara Parcel, now known as the Climbers’ Preserve, had no easements to ensure permanent public access or long term conservation of the property. As one of three privately-held parcels, these lands between the ledges have long been a conservation priority for local climbers with an interest in preserving public access to the trails used to access and descend from Whitehorse Ledge as well as the view shed from both Cathedral Ledge and Whitehorse Ledge.

In response to landowner Jim Ansara’s interest in long-term conservation of his parcel, Access Fund went to work with Upper Saco Valley Land Trust and Friends of the Ledges to facilitate the transfer of his property to Upper Saco Valley Land Trust. The transfer was made possible through a donation pursuant to Access Fund recording and holding a conservation and recreation easement on the property to ensure public access to the trails and boulders found on the parcel.

Following this donation of land, Access Fund, along with Upper Saco Valley Land Trust and Friends of the Ledges, worked together to fundraise and cover the costs associated with long-term conservation and legal defense of the property, which was completed successfully in April 2019.