The climbing community is growing. We see it every time we head outside or to the gym, and it makes sense. Climbing is amazing!

Early on, I learned from a handful of mentors—climbers like Conrad Anker, Tommy Caldwell, and Mark Synnott. Beyond their deep knowledge of climbing techniques, they also shared how to recreate outside in a way that protects the natural environment and keeps climbing areas open and conserved.

But the number of climbing mentors teaching responsible outdoor ethics has not kept pace. I want to change that by helping Access Fund close this mentorship gap and spread responsible outdoor ethics to all climbers.

Movement Climbing, Yoga, and Fitness has come forward with a generous gift to help us spread the ethic of responsible climbing, matching all donations up to $50,000 from climbers like you. Donate now and they’ll double your contribution to this critical work.

I’m so impressed with the work Access Fund is doing to mentor climbers across the country to care for the lands we love. But they can’t do this work alone. Will you help support critical work to:

  • Put Climber Stewards on the ground at popular crags to teach responsible outdoor ethics and inspire visitors to care for these landscapes.

  • Work with local climbing organizations to share crag stewardship best practices and help them mentor the climbers in their communities.

  • Provide educational content and public service announcements about critical access and conservation issues to hundreds of thousands of climbers across the country.

If you love climbing, too, I encourage you to make a gift and support Access Fund’s work to spread the ethic of responsible outdoor climbing to all.

Join me in supporting Access Fund today.