Access Fund is now accepting applications for its new Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Grant Program. This pilot grant program is designed to bolster the efforts of advocates who are working to promote diversity, inclusion, and equitable access within climbing.

Climbers at a Color the Crag Climbing Festival. Ancestral lands of Cherokee, Chickasaw, and Creek. Photo courtesy of Irene Yee

The goal of this new grant program is to inspire and empower climbing organizations to work toward a future in which all climbers can enjoy sustainable access to climbing and feel welcomed into the advocacy community. We’re thrilled to add a JEDI-focused dimension to our support for the conservation and advocacy efforts of local climbers and climbing organizations.

Access Fund is looking to fund projects that address social and cultural barriers to climbing participation—especially those that incorporate elements of education and advocacy around conservation and stewardship. The grants are open to local climbing organizations (LCOs), land managers, affinity groups, and other organizations that are working to protect and create access to climbing and climbing areas and are committed to integrating JEDI principles into that work.

Grant funds may be used for a wide variety of activities as long as they promote JEDI values, including programmatic efforts (i.e., scholarships, facilitated access, gear libraries), JEDI training and consultant services (i.e., organizational assessments and training), hosting events with JEDI components, and similar projects.

We particularly welcome applications for the following:

  • Projects led by those from BIPOC, LGBTQ+, disabled, and other marginalized communities.

  • Projects that incorporate conservation efforts and/or education on low-impact climbing practices.

  • Projects that connect youth to climbing, especially outdoors.

  • Projects that facilitate access to climbing for underrepresented groups.

  • Projects that utilize traditional/Indigenous ecological knowledge.

  • Projects that otherwise enhance the capabilities of grassroots advocates to engage in JEDI work.

Applications will be evaluated by the Access Fund JEDI committee. Partial funding of applications is possible. During the pilot year, $10,000 in funds is available, with the average grant expected to fall in the $2,500-$5,000 range. Between two and four grants are expected to be awarded.

Applications will be accepted from April 1-30, 2022. Complete details on how to apply can be found here. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.