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Red Rocks Community Continues to Battle Massive Subdivision

UPDATE: On February 22, the Clark County Commission held a public meeting to decide if the 2011 or 2016 Concept Plan should carry forward. In a 5-2 vote, the County approved Gypsum to carry forward with the 2011 Concept Plan. SRR will likely be fighting the County and Gypsum in court. Stay tuned for updates at

From 12/15/2016

A legal battle is currently underway over an impending subdivision that would encroach on the iconic climbing at Red Rocks, forever changing the views from your favorite multi-pitch climbs.

The non-profit organization, Save Red Rock (SRR), is trying to stop the development of more than 5,000 homes and associated commercial center on 2,010 acres at Blue Diamond Hill across the road from the world class climbing at Red Rocks. Local residents, Red Rocks visitors, SSR, local climbers, and Access Fund have been fighting a version of this development for years.

In 2011, after extensive legal wrangling with County related to rezoning of this property, Gypsum Resources LLC, the landowner of the Blue Diamond Hill area proposed for development, submitted a Concept Plan to Clark County that originally proposed 7,269 dwellings. That plan, which SRR and others unsuccessfully protested, was approved by the County with the condition that they reduce the number of proposed houses from 7,269 to 5,026. After a five-year delay, during which time Gypsum Resources LLC attempted and failed to negotiate a land swap with the BLM, they submitted an updated 2016 Concept Plan similar to the already approved 2011 Concept Plan, including the development of 5,026 dwellings.

Last week, Clark County, who is responsible for approving rezoning and development of this project, filed a preemptive lawsuit naming Save Red Rock and Gypsum Resources, LLC as defendants, further complicating this lengthy battle over the rezoning and development of high density housing on Blue Diamond Hill. The lawsuit asks the court to clarify whether the 2011 Concept Plan remains active or whether the 2016 application controls the proceedings. If the 2011 Concept Plan approval does carry over, or if the court considers both plans essentially similar for purposes of protests and lawsuits, then the court could prevent Save Red Rock from protesting again on the grounds that their objections have already been heard. According to SRR attorney Justin Jones, "The lawsuit [Clark County filed] really focuses on trying to intimidate Save Red Rock and disallow them from participating in the public process."

What you can do to help

Please consider helping to protect Red Rocks’ iconic viewshed by:

  • Writing a letter to the County Commissioners about why they should keep Red Rock rural and undeveloped.
  • Signing the Save Red Rock’s petition. SRR’s petition currently has over 25,000 signatures from people in Clark County and around the world.
  • Attending the next County Commission Meeting on the Gypsum Resources LLC application by the Clark County Board of County Commission on February 7, 2017 at 9:00am at Clark County Government Center located at 500 S Grand Central Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89155.
  • Donating to Save Red Rock to support the ongoing fight to prevent this development. SRR is in need of funds to help pay court fees and legal expenses associated with the ongoing legal actions.
  • Stay tuned to Access Fund e-news and action alerts.

For more information and updates contact Save Red Rock.