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Climbers in Quarantine: The Weekly Stoke (4)

Alllllright….we think it may be time for an intervention. True, nothing can fill the void that climbing has left in our cold, cold hearts. But rumor has it ya’ll are turning into vampires while maximizing your online lives. Say it with us now: “The sun is not my enemy.” Step away from the device and let’s get some fresh air. There are still plenty of ways to get outside safely. Just look at these two weirdos hanging out in a tree….

Climbers Stuck at Home: Photo of the Week

A and L from Boston take backyard camping to a new level with backyard portaledging.

Indoor Training Freebies

Feeling like a caged animal? GRRRRRRRR. Now that the weather is warming up, why not take these awesome workouts outside and demonstrate to all your neighbors what a beast you are—in the yard, on the balcony, whatever you can manage to get some sunshine and distance from others.

Entertaining Tidbits

It just gets weirder and weirder, doesn't it?

Miss Last Week's Stoke?

Climbers in Quarantine: The Weekly Stoke (3)
Climbers in Quarantine: The Weekly Stoke (2)
Climbers in Quarantine: The Weekly Stoke (1)