Our climbing areas give us so much and ask for so little in return. Nonetheless, it’s on us as climbers to take responsibility for our impact by being good stewards and going the extra mile to give back when we can. Here are five easy ways you can make a difference at your home crag.

Attend an Adopt a Crag Event

Adopt a Crag events are the easiest way to get involved with local stewardship. Usually put on by local climbing organizations (LCOs), they’re a great way to pitch in at your local climbing area and meet other folks who are interested in conservation and stewardship. Check out your LCO's event calendar or our nationwide calendar.

Join Your Local Climbing Organization

It’s a great idea to seek out your LCO and join up. Supporting your LCO will give back to local climbing areas, and you’ll be joining a network of dedicated stewards that will inevitably open up more avenues to give back to your local crag. Our list is by no means 100% comprehensive, but it's about as close as you can get.

Recruit Your Friends

Recruit your climbing partners—and any other conservation-minded friends you have—to join your LCO too. Word of mouth is the best advertising any organization can get, and we’re willing to bet the marketing budget for your LCO is shoestring at best. More volunteers for Adopt a Crags and more LCO members equals a bigger impact at local climbing areas.

Routine Fixed Gear Maintenance

Learn the basics when it comes to fixed gear, including how to inspect and maintain it. With just a crescent wrench, a some rap rings, and a couple of quick links, you’re equipped to tackle the most common issues with fixed gear at most crags.

Be a Responsible Climber

Pack it in, pack it out. Stay on trail. Dispose of human (and pet!) waste properly. Park in the parking lot, not on the shoulder. Turn your music off if there are other climbers around. The list goes on, but what it really comes down to is using common sense to be a good climbing neighbor—to other climbers around you, to the crag itself, and to land managers.

Ready to Take it to the Next Level?

Here are some great ways to take your stewardship up a notch:

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