Access Fund Expands Climber Stewards Program to the Red
Access Fund Climber Stewards are headed to the Red River Gorge where they’ll educate visitors on low-impact best practices.
Can You Trust That Bolt?
Although there are significant rebolting efforts now taking place around the country, there are still plenty of sleeping giants out there that should not be underestimated.
How the Changing Climate is Changing Climbing
Climbers need to be aware of the short-term impacts of climate change that affect climbing areas—and climbers—in the here and now.
Top 10 Climbing Advocacy Wins of 2022
A new year is on the horizon, and everyone here at Access Fund is focused on what 2023 has in store: new projects, new adventures, and another awesome…
4 Easy Ways to Be a Low-Impact Hero on Desert Climbing Trips
When it comes to protecting climbing landscapes, Access Fund has your back on the big stuff, like buying threatened crags, influencing policy in…
Climber Stewards: Indian Creek Season Kickoff
The Indian Creek Climber Stewards are back in action—inspiring climbers to adopt a conservation mindset every time they go climbing.
Crag Dogs: Acceptable or Not?
It’s a hotly contested topic among climbers, not far behind the “gates in or gates out” debate. We aren’t here to condemn or condone, but rather to offer…
Texas Climbers Embrace Mentorship in Route Development
Over the course of the weekend, mentor-mentee teams put up dozens of routes, including traditionally protected splitters, bolted face climbs, and gnarly offwidths.